Healing Spirits’ tinctures are carefully blended by hand and made in small batches following the time honored method of traditional herbalists. All of our tinctures are made from certified organically grown or ethically wildcrafted herbs. Over 95% of the herbs used in these formulas come from Healing Spirits Herb Farm. Healing Spirits tinctures are formulated by
We offer a full line of single and compound herbal formulas. Compound tinctures consist of herbs that are pre-blended then tinctured in a formula together. We feel that tincturing the herbs together creates a more cohesive and synergistic formula. The herbs merge their properties in the process of maceration and synthesize one another’s actions. There is a catalytic effect from this merging and blending of energies. The whole becomes greater than the parts.
Tinctures are very concentrated and “medicinal” tasting. We suggest mixing them with a small amount of water, tea, or juice to dilute the flavor.
Suggested dosages:
Maintenance: 1/2 teaspoon three times daily.
Acute: 1/2 teaspoon every 1/2 hour or as needed.
*Unless otherwise specified.
Sizes available in
1 oz $15 and 4 oz $30